About Isabelle Weisz O.B.M
Born in France,1945.
Master's dgree in psychology (Paris).
Studies in a fine art studio (Paris).
Moved to Israel in 1972
Passed Away 27 July 2014
Isabelle Weisz is a multi-disciplinary artist who enjoyed little recognition in her lifetime, concentrating solely on her work. Displayed here are some of her oils, watercolors and photographs, reproduced in a posthumous volume documenting her work.
The curator of the works assembled in the volume, Albert Suissa, wrote this of her work: “ Isabelle Weisz did not consciously lean toward the abstract; certainly not intentionally, as an “experience”. When she writes ‘I have come to realize how much construction is required in painting, and how freely it could have been given were it only emotional’ we understand that for her the range of artistic struggle lay between ‘requiring construction’ and ‘given freely’, i.e. purely an expression of emotion, not governed by organizing thought. She strives for a painting where emotion and truth coalesce.
Isabelle Weisz was born in 1945 and began painting from an early age, demonstrating great ability in the use of color. Beginning with the first exhibition in which she took part and throughout her career, critics were impressed by the originality and forcefulness of her work. In later years she concentrated on photography, with the camera lens becoming her brush, expressing her unique view of the world. Weisz held a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, and studied Nietsche’s influence upon Freud. Her works were shown in many exhibitions in Israel and abroad before her untimely passing away in July 2014.
Learn more about Isabelle Weisz on Wikipedia